Sunday, February 21, 2010

Disney Paris

This last month we took a little trip to EuroDisney. It was everything I expected and MORE! We had so much fun! We stayed at one of the Disney hotels so we were in walking distance of the park. We rode rides, drank hot chocolate, and just had a complete blast for three FULL days! And we were introduced to a whole new world-pin trading! The kids had so much fun trading and collecting the pins.


Just a few pictures from Christmas.

Kaitlin's Birthday's been awhile since I've updated this. Anyway, back to the subject of Kaitlin's birthday. On her birthday we had cupcakes and she opened her presents from us. She was so excited to get a camera from us!

We celebrated a few days afterwards this year. There was a big snow storm that day, but it didn't keep anyone away. We did her party at the post movie theater. We watched The Princess and the Frog. The kids also were given a tour of the movie theater, and learned how the movies are shown on the big screen. Everyone had a good time, and there was no clean up for mom:)